Born From Fireflies

Sorry for in lack of activity over the last few weeks. PTSD has been kicking my butt! But ... I am trying to bring myself back into the land of the living and what better way than playing dress up!! Plastik has been releasing some AMAZING skins recently. The detail pictures below will be able to show you the wonderful detail of it. Teamed up with these antlers from the new Plastik gacha at The Fantasy gacha and this wonderful hair from Wasabi I look like an amazing bad ass wood elf ready to take on the world!! Shopping list and more pictures below <3 Head - Catwa - Catya Body - Maitreya - Lara Eyes - Suicidal Unborn - Phantom Eyes V.2 Skin - Plastik - Jarne @ We Love Roleplay Ears - BentBox - Sylvan Ears Feathers behind ears - Remarkable Oblivion - Elysium in White Face tattoo, Bindi & Headdress - Plastik - Daemonus Gatcha @ The Fantasy Gacha Carnival Staff - Pastik - Petrichor Druid (gacha in mainstore) Hair - Wasabi - Opal (due a...