OtherWorld Fawn

I had so much fun putting this look together!! I am totally in love with this skin from soul and it's multi toned stripes. It was so hard to chose just one colour though. When I saw these leg at gauze/tapped I knew they would go perfect! They are amazing value for money as its hud driven and the texture / colour / glow choices are endless!  After I had put myself together, I knew the place I wanted to be, OtherWorld @ The Fantasy Faire. It kept coming to mind when I did this look. I spent so long walking around, checking out all the different levels (you really need to check out the under water area, and the tree top, and everything lol) trying to capture the place in pictures but I was hopeless really, it is a must see. Below are my attempts (only cropped, no other edit) But you really should hop over and enjoy it for yourself. TAXI

There are places beyond the normal realms we see with our waking eyes. They are places of gargantuan trees of life, of gentle waters flowing through glowing caves, of glittering crystal and ancient bronce. They are kingdoms that softly whisper about the eternity we all carry within us. There are lands of song and story, of leyend and wisdom, of peace and gentle growth.
Far beyond the reach of boats and trails, and always just a handspan away, always just beyond a veil, exists a place of islands and Gods, and heros and Fae. Welcome to Otherworld.
OtherWorld by Elicio Ember.



OtherWorld also hosts the second Literary Festival, full of readings, region tours, writing prompts, stories, group discussions, and all things related to the power of the words! Literary Festival events take place on the Pavilion in OtherWorld!


AV shopping list 

Skin - .:Soul:. Rani @ The Fantasy Faire, sim Blackmoor
Hair - Wasabi Pills - Thyra, fireworks @ The Fantasy Faire sim The Golden Delta
Dress - Poet's Heart - Joy, Capricious @ The Fantasy Faire, sim Dangarnon
Faun Legs - Gauze&Trap - Faun Legs, Short Hair @ The Fantasy Faire, sim Lucentia
Horns - Gauze&Trap - Faunus Crown - Fay @The Fantasy Faire, sim Lucentia
Ears - Trap - Gelf Ears Low Pierced @The Fantasy Faire, sim Lucentia
Face Chains - Aisling - Xanthe -Dentelle Silver- RARE (instore gacha)
Chest Chains - Aisling - Sofia Chestlace
Bracers - Aisling - Tallulah Bracers Silver (instore gacha)


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